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Fillet Of Fish With A Herb Crust

This gorgeous crust prevents the fish from drying out, and makes the meal more substantial.

Fillet Of Fish With A Herb Crust

Preparation Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 10 mins

Serves: 4


This gorgeous crust prevents the fish from drying out, and makes the meal more substantial.



  • 60g (2½oz) fresh breadcrumbs
  • a tbsp tarragon or parsley leaves
  • 45g (2oz) chilled butter
  • 4 x 150g (5oz) turbot, halibut or brill fillets, skinned
  • flour for dusting
  • salt and pepper



  1. Place the crumbs, herbs and a knob of butter in the chopper and whiz until the mixture goes green. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Pat the fish dry with kitchen paper, dust with flour.
  3. Fry the fish for 2-3 minutes each side in the oil and remaining butter. press herb topping over fish, one side only.
  4. Place at the top of a hot oven, 220C/425F/M7, or under a preheated grill, until the crust starts to colour.
  5. Serve straight away.


Dualit Product Used

Dualit Mini Oven 
